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Subscription to the BIBUS Baltics Newsletter
Terms & Conditions
* I would like to receive emails from BIBUS Baltics with updates and special offers on the products and services tailored to my interests. I can unsubscribe any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email.
We will send you the BIBUS Baltics newsletter quarterly, which keeps you informed on the company's events and promotions, brand-new products from our suppliers, technology advancements, and the latest news. We may also send you emails on specific occasions, such as the loyalty program offers & updates, personalized offers for your next purchase.
All newsletters are sent by BIBUS Baltics, no contact details are shared with our partners for this purpose.
By subscribing to our newsletter, you become a member of the BIBUS Baltics Loyalty program starting from February 1, 2021 and lasting till January 31, 2022. All the terms and conditions can be read here.To understand what is relevant to you, we use automatic tools to analyze your personal data. You have the right to object to such use any time. For more information on how we use your data and your rights, please check our privacy policy.
When you click on the unsubscribe link, you will be directed to our website where you can choose your communication preferences.