Stromag NFF Brake for Compact Industrial and Crane Applications with a high protection against harsh environments

Stromag NFF Brakeis as holding- and working brake variations for industrial applications, usable for dockside-, harbour and marine crane brake suitable for seawater environment. available from BIBUS Baltics SIA.
Comprehensive range 20 - 10,000 Nm
Simple assembly to motor, no dismantling of brake required
Concentricity through body for tacho fixing
Compatibility of consumable spares
Simple maintenance, once only adjustment by shim removal
Positive feel hand release mechanism
Proven reliable design
Sealed inspection holes for air gap or lining wear
Extremely low inertia
High heat dissipation
Free from axial loads when braking and running
Suitable for vertical mounting, please consult Stromag Dessau GmbH
Many optional extras available
Facilities to design to customer’s special requirements
Protection available up to IP 66 (in installed state)
”Asbestos free” linings as standard