BIBUS Baltics organizes the product trainings either in the format of the seminars or the individual product trainings on the client's site together with the supplier. The seminars include the theoretical and practical hands-on training where the client is able to understand the benefits and principles of using a certain product. After the training, BIBUS Baltics provides the client with the certificate of accomplishment. These certain trainings are deeply customized in order to meet the needs of the client, therefore, please contact the product manager for more information.
We offer the following trainings:
- Types of Bansbach gas springs and their modifications as well as application possibilities.
- Electric linear actuators.Their constructive differences.Usability and control options.
- Easy-wheel drive wheels. Their constructive differences. Usability and management capabilities.
- Danfoss PVG proportional valves, Argo hytos valves.
- Lubrication systems from Dropsa.
- Filtration solutions. The need for filtration, types, application possibilities and options.
- Hydraulic training.
- Axis centering and geometric measurements using specialized laser equipment from Easy-Laser®.